1.     How can a rainy day be enjoyed? A rainy day is full of fresh air and clear atmosphere.
There is a rainbow in the sky after rain. Especially, a rainy day in summer brings joy and happiness. People come out of their house and enjoy the bright sky, sweet smells of air, earth, running water refresh the soul. We can also have a short picnic with eatables.
2.     What is the theme of the poem rain? The poem is about the beauty of rain. He listens to the rainwater in its musical sounds. The upper leaves get more water and lower leaves get less. Similarly, rich people of society get more wealth and resources while poor people are given very little wealth.  
3.     What will when the rain stops? After the rain, the air will be washed. It will smell sweet and fresh. The sun will come out of the clouds. It will shine brightly. The sunshine will brighten the round drops of water.
4.     What is meant by rich leaves? The upper leaves of the trees are called the rich leaves. They get more water. It is a metaphor for society as well. The rich people of society get more wealth and resources while poor people are given very little wealth.
5.     What is the reaction of the birds at the arrival of the Night Mail? Birds and sheepdogs hear the sound of arriving train. They do not get disturbed or make noise. They stay silent. They keep on in their activities of life. 
6.     What is the theme of the poem The Night Mail is a simple poem about the train? It describes the journey of the train through various lands. It passes through plains and mountains; crops and moorland boulders. It brings letters for the poor and rich; the shop at the corner and the girl next door. Birds, animals and humans do not get disturbed by it. It reaches on time.     
7.     What is the theme of loveliest of the trees the cherry now? It is a religious poem. Cherry is a beautiful fruit. The cherry is in full bloom. It is the time of Easter. Easter is a religious festival for Christians. The cherry is wearing white clothes of snowfall for the arrival of Easter. 
8.     What is Easter? Easter is a religious festival for Christians. The cherry tree is wearing white clothes of snowfall for the arrival of Easter here. It is Eid of Christians. It is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon.
9.     What kind of man is the reader? The readers frighten the rider about the hardships of his journey. He says that the valley is full of dangers. It has midden, burning furnaces and holes. No one comes alive out of it. In fact, the reader is the symbol of every force in us that stops us from the action. It is the fear of failure in our heart.
10.   What kind of man is the rider? The rider is a brave, heroic and practical man. The rider is the symbol of bravery and courage in our hearts. It is shown by a person who leads practical life. It stands for the life of action instead of words.  
11.  What are the dangers in the valley according to the reader? The reader says that the valley is full of dangers. It has midden, burning furnaces and holes. It is full of fatal things and diseases. No one comes alive out of it. These dangers are in fact imaginary fears in our hearts.
12.  What is the theme/message of the poem O Where Are You Going? The poem is about the forces that stop us from taking decisions, actions and making our way forward in life. The reader stands for the forces of fear and cowardice. The rider stands for the practical life. The poet says that we should be brave and practical. We should not fear from dangers of life.
13.  What does the poet think while standing in the dark street?
14.  What are the feelings of the poet standing in the dark street? The poet feels sorry for the poor black children. The poet is worried. The society is full of problems like war, misery and poverty.
15.  How do the fruits look like to the poet?
16.  Why does the poet compare the fruits with the cannon balls? The poet is worried. The society is full of problems like war, misery and poverty. The poet sees the fruits piled in pyramid shapes. These fruits look like cannonballs to the poet because of dangers of war in the minds of a poet.
17.   Why did the poet reflect when he saw the Sindhi woman? The poet was standing in the street of Karachi slums. He saw the cross erect figure of Sindhi woman. He compared it to his own stooping body. He thought that those who work hard stay strong in their life. 
18.  What kind of picture do we get after reading the poem Sindhi woman?/Describe the Karachi slums. After reading the poem we come to know of the real picture of Karachi slums. It is full of garbage, stones and pieces of broken glass. It is a very miserable picture. 
19.  Where from the Sindhi woman is passing through?. The Sindhi passes from the bazaar with naked feet.  The bazaar is full of garbage, stones and pieces of broken glass. She walks easily and effortlessly. She moves smoothly like a wave on the water. She has a stone jar on her head.
20.  What are the message/theme of the poem the Times? The poet says that there is a proper and suitable time for everything. There is a time to plant and a time to harvest. There is a time to dance and a time to stay silent. There is a proper time to do everything in life.
21.  What is Ecclesiastes?
22.  What lesson (theme) do we learn from “Ozymandias” ? this poem tells us about the nature of our life on earth. Man is mortal. He is to die. One should not be proud. One should be humble. With the passage of time everything is destroyed. It is what happens with the proud king Ozymandias.
23.  What did the traveler see in the desert? The traveler saw a broken statue in the desert. The statue was of an ancient king. Its legs were standing in the desert. Its head was broken and half-sunk in the sand.
24.  What is the theme of the poem leisure? Leisure is a beautiful poem about nature. It tells us the importance of beauty in our life. Modern man has lost the aesthetic sense. He is always busy in making money. He does not enjoy the beauties of nature. He misses the beautiful scenes like running streams and dancing girls.
25.  What is the theme/moral lesson of the poem The Feed? The poem feed is a simple but thought-provoking poem. It is about the love of a mother for her kids. Her love is pure and natural. It tells us that the population of the world has increased many times. The food is scarce. The world powers should think about the production of more food.
26.  What is suggested by breaking the atom? It tells us that the population of the world has increased many times. The food is scarce. The world powers should think about the production of more food.
27.   What kind of people the modern men? Modern men are hollow men. They don’t have spiritual beauty. They are materialistic and faithless. They have no real feelings of human love and compassion. They are money mongers. They don’t have real force. They cannot make any significant change in the world. They are more like machines. They lack vigour, beauty and aim of life.
28.  What is the theme of the poem hollow men? Modern men are hollow men. They are materialistic and faithless. They don’t have spiritual beauty. They have no real feelings of human love and compassion. They are money mongers. They don’t have real force. They cannot make any significant change in the world. They are more like machines. They lack vigour, beauty and aim of life.
29.  Why does the poet call the modern man as hollow man? Modern men are hollow men. They don’t have spiritual beauty. They are materialistic and faithless. They have no real feelings of human love and compassion. They are money mongers. They don’t have real force. They cannot make any significant change in the world. They are more like machines. They lack vigour, beauty and aim of life.
30.   What does Allama Iqbal emphasise in the poem Rubaiyat?
31.  What is the theme/moral lesson of the poem Rubaiyat? Allama Iqbal emphasizes in this poem that Man should have a strong faith. A faithless man leads a useless life on earth. Muslims should have intense love for God. Love for God frees us from many temptations/problems. Love for God brings unity in Muslims.  
32.  What is worse than slavery? To have no faith is worse than slavery. If a person has no faith in God he is slave to everything. True faith creates self respect in us. One should have faith and self respect.
33.  What is the present condition of Muslim civilization? The Muslims civilization lacks true faith. It is the reason of their downfall. Their hearts do not have true love for God. Their prayers lack spiritual devotion and true warmth.
34.  What does poet say about the cruelty of USA ?
35.  Describe the miseries of the two cities of Japan. Everything in two cities of Japan including trees, plants and houses was completely destroyed. Thousands of people were killed and others were seriously injured. The people who survived were helpless. It was all done by Americans when they dropped atom bombs on two cities of Japan Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It also shows that America falsely claims to be champion of human rights. 
36.  What is the theme of the poem “ A Tale of Two Cities”. It shows that men and nations should not lose hope because ashes can create great nations and great men. It also shows that America falsely claims to be champion of human rights. Japanese rose to glory from ashes. Thousands of people were killed and others were seriously injured. The people who survived were helpless. It was all done by Americans when they dropped atom bombs on two cities of Japan Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
37.  What is the theme of “ He Came to Know Himself”? This poem is written in the tradition of Sufism.  The poet says that man cannot know God unless he knows himself. God lives in the hearts of pure and innocent men like Mansoor and Joseph. God loves his creation. We can realize the presence of God in us if we purify our hearts.      
38.  Who was Mansoor? Mansur was a great saint. He had great love for God. He did not care for his life. He mounted the gallows just to cut his head off in his love for Allah. 
39.  Who was Abraham? Abraham was the prophet of God. He advised his people not to worship idols. People turned against him. They asked him to leave the worship of one God. He did not lose faith. The people put him in fire. The fire became a bed of flowers for Abraham because he had faith in God.
40.  What is meant by Abraham at the stake? Abraham advised his people not to worship idols. People turned against him. They asked him to leave the worship of one God. He did not lose faith. The people put him in fire. The fire became a bed of flowers for Abraham because he had faith in God.
41.  Without whose love Bullah is in loss? Bullah is in loss without the love of God. Bullah says man cannot face the problems of life alone. He needs the help and guidance of God. Therefore, he seeks the help of God.
42.   What is the effect of death? The effect of death scene is great on man. It makes him realize the reality of life. Every human being is mortal. Everyone has to taste the flavor of death. No one can escape death. The idea of death arouses pity and fear in man. 
43.   What is the theme of the poem Gods attributes. God is seeing, knowing, hearing. These attributes of God prevent humans from evils. They make humans good and noble.
44.  What are the three attributes of God described in the poem Gods attributes? God is seeing, knowing, hearing. These attributes of God prevent humans from evils. They make humans good and noble.
45.  What is the effect of Love? The effect of love is pleasant. It makes our life full of joy and happiness. It turns our problems into joys pleasures.

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