(Lesson 1-5)
1. YEAR 2004
1. (a) "The Open Window" by H.H. Munro is a story full of suspense and irony that keeps the reader's interest alive till the final sentence. Comment. (15)
(b) Write a brief note on the following characters:
(i) Mrs. Sappleton     (ii) Framton Nuttel  (10)
2. YEAR 2005
1. (a) What are the specific traits due to which man cannot claim to approach even the meanest of the Higher animals? Discuss with reference to "The Damned Human Race" by Mark Twain. (15)
(b) Quote some examples when man has really stood by his fellowmen in catastrophic conditions and deserved the title: "The Crown of the Creation". (10)
3. YEAR 2006
1. (a) How does the theme of the tale relate to the subject of language and culture? Discuss with reference to "The Last Lesson" by Alphonse Daudet. (15)
(b) Does this patriotic tale of a French schoolboy make us conscious about the value of our own native language? (10)
4. YEAR 2007
1. (a) Man is usually called "the highest animal" on the basis of intelligence. What are the specific traits that make him "the lowest animal" for Mark Twain? (15)
(b) "The Damned Human Race" was written in the early 1900's. It is true today? Does man still deserve this attack or has he improved in a Century's time?
5. YEAR 2008
1. (a) "The Open Window" by H.H. Munro is a story full of suspense and irony that keeps the reader's interest alive till the final sentence. Comment. (15)
(b) Write brief notes on the following characters:
(i) Mrs. Sappleton     (ii) Framton Nuttel  (10)
6. YEAR 2009
1. (a) Leacock describes a health maniac as an obsessed person. How do people become obsessed? Are obsessions always bad? (15)
(b) Leacock uses exaggeration in the title of his essay. Where does he use exaggeration and why? (10) 
2. (a) "The Open Window by H.H. Munro is a story full of suspense and irony that keeps the reader's interest alive till the final sentence. Comment. (15)
(b) Write brief notes on the following characters:  (10)
(i) Mrs. Sappleton     (ii) Framton Nuttel
7. YEAR 2010
1. (a) "The Open Window" by H.H. Munro is a story full of suspense and irony that keeps the reader's interest alive till the final sentence. Comment. (15)
(b) Write brief notes on the following characters: (10) 
(i) Mrs. Sappleton     (ii) Framton Nuttel  
8. YEAR 2011
1. (a) Leacock describes a health maniac person as an obsessed person. Discuss Jiggin's character as a health maniac person. (15) 
(b) What is obsession? Are all obsessions bad? (10) 
9. YEAR 2012
1. (a) Man is usually called 'the highest animal' on the basis of his intelligence. What are the specific traits the make him 'the lowest animal' for MARK TWAIN? (15)
(b) How does TWAIN try to shock the readers? What might be his purpose in using this technique? (10)
10. YEAR 2013
1. (a) THE LAST LESSON is a story of NATIONAL PRIDE. Explain. (15)
(b) Write a note on MR. HAMEL, the schoolmaster. Can we call him an ideal teacher? (10) 
11. YEAR 2014
1. (a) Why has Mark Twain rejected DARWIN'S THEORY OF EVOLUTION and what are his conclusions in this regard? (15) 
(b) This essay was written in the early 1900. Is it true today? (10) 
2. (a) Describe the visit of FRAMTON NUTTEL to MRS. SAPPLETON'S house. (15) 
(b) How did Vera handle the situation after FRAMTON left the house? (10) 

(Lesson 6-10) 
1. YEAR 2004
No Question This Year
2. YEAR 2005
1. "A cold may be common but has uncommon symptoms, amazing in its diversity". Elaborate with reference to "On a Common Cold" by Osbert Sitwell. (15)
(b) Point out some World Event, as quoted (referred to) by the writer when cold had played noble and prominent part in history. (10)
3. YEAR 2006
1. (a) "A cold may be common but has uncommon symptoms, amazing in its diversity". Elaborate with reference to "On a Common Cold" by Osbert Sitwell. (15)
(b) Point out some World Events, as quoted (referred to) by the writer when cold had played noble and prominent part in history. (10)
4. YEAR 2007
No Question This Year
5. YEAR 2008
No Question This Year
6. YEAR 2009
No Question This Year
7. YEAR 2010
1. (a) What force provides the central conflict of the story "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" and what is the conflict? (15) 
(b) Give a brief character sketch of Walter Mitty. (10)
8. YEAR 2011
1. (a) How does Russell define education? (15) 
(b) What defect is inherent in purely classical education? (10) 
9. YEAR 2012
1. (a) What defect is inherent in a purely classical education? (15)
(b) What do you understand by THE MORAL END of education? (10)
2. (a) Explain some of the ways in which ideas have come to creative thinkers and what the source of these ideas is assumed to be? (15) 
(b) What according to WHYTE does the creative imagination do that the conscious mind does not do? (10) 
10. YEAR 2013
1. (a) What, according to BERTRAND RUSSELL, is the definition of EDUCATION? Explain its three aims. (15) 
(b) What are the positive aspects of SCIENTIFIC SPIRIT? (10) 
2. (a) What is the difference between EMOTIONAL MEANINGS and OBJECTIVE MEANINGS? How do EMOTIONAL MEANINGS affect our behaviour. (15) 
(b) What is the Writer's advice about the use of Words? (10) 
11. YEAR 2014 
1. (a) Describe WALTER MITTY'S imaginary trial in the Court. (15) 
(b) What is the underlying idea or theme of the story THE SECRET OF WALTER MITTY? (10) 

(Lesson 11-15)
1. YEAR 2004
1. (a) Recapitulate Lewis's series of reasons for believing that there is "Law of Nature" that there is "real right or wrong" (Right and Wrong by C.S. Lewis) (15)
(b) Is it right or wrong not to practise ourselves the kind of behaviour we expect from other people? (10)
2. (a) "The Gray Beginnings" by R.L. Carson is an illustration of the scientifically accurate and lyrically beautiful way in which the writer stretches the reader's imagination by revealing the magic and mystery of the sea. Elaborate. (15)
(b) What were the effects of "The Birth of the Moon"? (10)
2. YEAR 2005
1. (a) After his conversion to Islam, the author travelled and worked throughout the Muslim World. Describe the author's experience when he was travelling along the road of life to its end. (End of the Road by Muhammad Asad) (15)
(b) Reproduce, with your comments and observations, the writer's description of the Holy Kaaba and his reactions in its presence. (10)
3. YEAR 2006
1. (a) Recapitulate Lewis's series of reasons for believing that there is a "Law of Nature" that there is a "real right or wrong". (Right and Wrong by C.S. Lewis) (15)
(b) Is is right or wrong not to practice ourselves the kind of behaviour we expect from other people? (10)
4. YEAR 2007
1. (a) "How the Poor Die" by George Orwell is pathetical and critical description of the public ward of the French hospital. Discuss.  (15)
(b) How does the French hospital where Orwell stayed, compared with the hospitals in England? (10)
2. (a) "The Gray Beginnings" by R.L. Carson is an illustration of the scientifically accurate and lyrically beautiful way in which the writer stretches the reader's imagination by revealing  the magic and mystery of the sea. Elaborate. (15)
(b) What were the effects of "The Birth of the Moon"? (10)
5. YEAR 2008
1. (a) Recapitulate Lewis's series of reasons for believing that there is a Law of Nature that there is "real right or wrong". (Right and Wrong by C.S. Lewis) (15)
(b) Is is right or wrong not to prastise ourselves the kind of behaviour we expect from other people? (10)
2. (a) "The End of Road" is a story of European's acceptance of Islam and is based on the author's unique experience upon the road he has travelled. Discuss. (15)
(b) How can the Muslims "retain their own inner freedom, and pass on to the western man the last secret of life's sweetness"?
3. (a) "How the Poor Die" by George is a pathetical and critical description of the public ward of the French hospital. Discuss. (15)
(b) How does the French hospital where Orwell stayed, compare with the hospitals in England. (10)
6. YEAR 2009
1. (a) "How the Poor Die?" by George Orwell is a pathetical and critical description of the public ward of the French hospital. Discuss. (15)
(b) How does the French hospital where Orwell stayed, compare with the hospitals of England? (10) 
7. YEAR 2010
4. (a) How does C.S. Lewis distinguish between RIGHT & WRONG? (15)
(b) Is it right to cheat in the examination? If not why? (10)
8. YEAR 2011
No Question This Year
9. YEAR 2012
4. (a) Show how ORWELL makes use of personal experience to comment on the human condition at large? (15) 
(b) How does the French Hospital, where ORWELL stayed, compare with the hospitals in England? (10)
10. YEAR 2013
3. (a) Describe the views of RACHEL L. CARSON about the beginnings of the earth, the moon and the oceans. (15)
(b) What were the effects of the Birth of the Moon on Life and its origin? (10)
11. YEAR 2014
No Question This Year

(Lesson 16-20) 
1. YEAR 2004
1. (a) In "The Nature of Science" Ralph Ross says "Science is empirical, rational, general and cumulative; and it is all four at once". Discuss. (15)
(b) How is cumulative process applicable to science and not to art? (10)
2. YEAR 2005
1. (a) "In a way a heavy viewer's life is as imbalanced by his television 'habit' as a drug addict's or an alcholic's. Comment with reference to "T.V. Addiction" by Marie Winn. (15)
(b) What methods could parents or individuals use to prevent or lesson T.V. addiction? (10)
3. YEAR 2006
1. (a) "In My Day" by Russel Baker, what was Mrs. Baker's Philosophy of life? How did it change in her old age? (15)
(b) Why does the author feel "forever out of touch" with his mother? Does he feel equally out of touch with his children? (10)
4. YEAR 2007
2. (a) Comment on the Marie Winn's statement "In a way heavy viewer's life is as imbalanced by his television habit as a drug addict's or an alcoholic's." (15)
(b) What method could parents or individuals use to prevent or lesson T.V. addiction. (10)
5. YEAR 2008
No Question This Year
6. YEAR 2009
2. (a) What was Mrs. Baker's philosophy of life? How did it change in her old age? (15)
(b) Why does the author feel "forever out of touch" with his mother? Does he feel equally out of touch with his children? (10)
7. YEAR 2010
3. (a) Do you agree with Marie Winn that excess T.V. watching is a problem of the same magnitude as an addiction? (15)
(b) What methods could parents adopt to prevent or lessen T.V. addiction? 
8. YEAR 2011
1. (a) Discuss the story August 2026 - THERE WILL COME SOFT RAINS as an allegory of future. (15)
(b) What is the significance of the poem in the story? (10)
4. (a) How does the writer compare T.V. ADDICTION with drug addiction? (15) 
(b) What measures can parents adopt to check excess T.V. watching among children? 
9. YEAR 2012
No Question This Year
10. YEAR 2013
No Question This Year
11. YEAR 2014
5. (a) Do you agree with MARY WINN that access T.V. VIEWING is problem of the same magnitude as an addiction? (15) 
(b) What methods could parents or an individual use to prevent or lessen T.V. addiction? (10) 

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