ARISTOTLE ارسطو has rightly said:
"Man is a Social Animal انسان ایک معاشرتی حیوان ہے۔".
Living in a society he confrontsسامناکرنا     many problems. But some cursesلعنتیں     have grippedقابوکرنا    the world in their cruelبے رحم     clutches گرفتوں and strangled گلا گھونٹنے والا peace. One of such scourges is............................There is no doubt in the fact a worldwide problem. It is a burning question پیچیدہ مسئلہ of today. It is almost found in every society. It is casting its disastrous تباہ کن effects on one’s society. It is one of the dead least مہلک ترین Social, Economic, Political and Moral اخلاقیproblems.
This problem has touched پہنچ چکی ہے its alarming خطرناک stage. It needs to be tackled ہٹنا immediately جلد ازجلد. This evil is not confined محدود ہونا to one’s society. It is rampant بے لگام in all over the world. Its cruel intensity زیادتی is increasing alarming with the passage of time. It has paralyzed مفلوج کرنا the Political, Economic and Moral Institution of one’s society.
Now one takes stock نظر ڈالنا some of the causes of........................... The major cause of illiteracy ناخواندگی. The majority of one’s people are illiterate. They are not aware of their responsibilities ذمہ داریاں, rights and duties. So they are not playing their effective role to eradicate ختم کرنے this evil from the society which is very pitiable قابلِ ترسcondition.
Another cause Poverty. The people of one’s country are very poor. They have concern تعلق ہونا only with their square meal دو وقت کے کھانے. They always show their deep concern with their bread and butter. So they ignore the alarming problems of the society and are not aware of the harmful مضر effects of this curse لعنت۔
Another major cause Unemployment. It has reached the alarming پریشان کن stage in Pakistan. One’s young generation has been affected badly by this. The people have no jobs so they are involved in such activities and want to extort چھیننا money at any rate ہر صورت پر.
Defective غلط قسم کا Administrative System is another cause of.......................The administrative high ups behave so no-seriously in this matter that it results so many problems. Wrong distribution of wealth is also another cause of this evil. The investors سرمایہ کاروں, Industrialists صنعت کاروں and landlords زمینداروں are very rich and the majority of people of my country are very poor. These poor people are living below the poverty line. So these poor people also want to become rich and in this way they are involved in these such activities.
The people of one’s country are not properly پوری طرح aware of this problem. That's why they do pay a heed توجہ دینا to solve this problem. They have been suffering from this difficulty مبتلا but do not try seriously to remove ختم کرنا this problem.
Now one takes a look at demerits and bad effects of...................on one’s society and especially on one’s young generation. It has cast a lot of bad and negative بہت ہی برے اور منفی اثرات effects on one’s young generation. It has badly affected the economy. One’s country has disturbed every one so it has increased بڑھنا the problem. The condition of weak economy has created many other problems. The result of this weak economy is dearness مہنگائی and wrong distribution تقسیم of wealth. The people of one’s country have been disturbed by this evil. The peace of their mind has been destroyed. In this way they cannot work properly and make their country strong and crimes are increasing day by day. So this situation is very dangerous for one’s country.
In one's country, govt. makes the wrong policy to root out of this problem because it doesn't properly work to root out this problem.

Some suggestions are given below to root out جڑ سے اکھاڑ دیناthis disastrous problem:
      i.            The administrative system of one’s the country must be improved; a strong Government can solve this problem of their nation.
   ii.            The literacy rate شرحِ خواندگی of one’s country must be increased because only educated and literate پڑھے لکھے people can understand the problem of their society.
iii.            National unity is indispensable ضروری. Only then they can make their future bright روشن.
 iv.            The people must be aware of their responsibilities and cooperate with the people. They should take keen گہری interest in the matters of national interests.
    v.            Media should play its vital اہم role to eradicate ختم کرنے this problem. Media has become very powerful in this age. So its role can be important to root out this evil from the society.
 vi.            Religion always plays important role to solve any kind of problem. Islam is a complete code of conduct ضابطہ حیات. It provides guidance راہنمائی in every field of life. One should follow the teachings تعلیمات کا پابند of Islam. Then one can overcome غالب آنا this problem and all other problems.
In the end, one can say that the above-mentioned steps can eradicate this social evil from the society. In this way, one’s society will be strong, peaceful پر امنand prosperous خوشحالی

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