A brief introduction mentions the autumn of Adam and Eve caused by the serpent, which was Satan, who led the angels in revolt against God and was cast into hell. The scene then opens on Satan lying dazed within the burning lake, with Beelzebub, next in command, beside him. Satan assembles his fallen legions on the shore, where he revives their spirits by his speech. They set to putting together a palace, called Pandemonium. There the high-ranking angels assemble in council.


A debate is held whether or to not attempt recovery of heaven. a 3rd proposal is preferred, concerning an ancient prophecy of another world which was to be created, where the devils may seek to enact their revenge. Satan alone undertakes the voyage to seek out this world. He encounters Sin and Death, his offspring, guarding hell's gates. Sin unlocks the gate, and Satan embarks on his passage across the good gulf of chaos between heaven and hell, till he sights the new universe floating near the larger globe which is heaven.


God sees Satan flying towards this world and foretells the success of his evil mission to tempt man. God explains his purpose of grace and mercy toward man, but declares that justice must be met nonetheless. His Son, who sits at his mitt, freely offers to sacrifice himself for man's salvation, causing the angels to celebrate in songs of praise. Meanwhile Satan alights upon the outer shell of the new creation, where he finds a gap to the universe within. He flies right down to the sun, upon which an angel, Uriel, stands guard. Diguised as a cherub, Satan pretends he has come to praise God's new creation, and thereby tricks the angel into showing him the thanks to man's home.


Landing atop Mt. Niphates, Satan experiences disillusionments, but soon proceeds on his evil errand. He easily gains secret entrance to the Garden of Paradise. He wonders at its beauty, and shortly comes upon Adam and Eve, who excite great envy in him at their happy state. He overhears them speak of God's commandment that they must not eat the fruit of the Tree of information of fine and Evil under penalty of death, and thereby plots to cause them to transgress. Uriel, becoming suspicious, involves warn Gabriel and his angels, who are guarding the gate of Paradise. That evening, two scouts sent by Gabriel find Satan whispering within the ear of Eve as she sleeps next to her husband. The scouts apprehend and produce Satan to Gabriel who banishes him from Eden.


Next morning, Eve relates to Adam a hard dream, and is comforted by him. God sends the angel Raphael to go to the couple to warn them of their enemy. The angel arrives and dines with them, then relates to them the history of Satan's fall: how jealousy against the Son of God led him to incite all those in his charge to rebel against God, and the way one angel, Abdiel, resisted and remained faithful to God.

Raphael continues to relate how Michael was sent to steer the faithful angels into battle against Satan (then called Lucifer) and his army. Wounded and in dissaray, Satan and his powers retreat. During the night they create weapons resembling cannons. When, within the second day's fight, Michael's angels are confronted with these devilish devices, they become enraged and pull up the very mountains and hurl them at Satan's crew. But the war continues into the third day, when God sends Messiah, his Son, to finish the war. Riding forth in his flaming chariot, Messiah drives the rebels out of heaven and down into hell.


Raphael then relates to Adam how God sent his Son to form a replacement world and new creatures to fill the place left by the fallen angels. The six days of creation are described.


Adam, aspiring to extend the pleasurable visit with the angel, relates to Raphael what he remembers of his own creation, his first impressions of the globe and its creatures, the Garden of Eden, and his first meeting and marriage to Eve. After repeating his warnings to Adam, the angel departs.


Satan returns to earth, where he chooses the serpent as his best disguise. Next morning, when Adam and Eve go forth to their gardening tasks, Eve suggests they are going in separate directions. With great reservation, Adam finally consents. The serpent finds Eve alone and approaches her. She is surprised to search out the creature can speak, and is soon induced by him to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree. Adam is horrified when he finds what she has done, but at length resigns himself to share her fate instead of be left without her, and eats the fruit also. After eating, they're aroused with lust and lay together, then fall to restless sleep. They waken to awareness of their nakedness and shame, and canopy themselves with leaves. In their emotional distress, they comprise mutual accusations and blame.


The guardian angels return to heaven, sad for man's failure, and also the Son of God descends to earth to guage the sinners. Mercifully, he delays their sentence of death many days, during which they will work to regain God's favor. Then, in pity, he clothes them both. At the gates of hell, Sin and Death sense the success of Satan during this new world. They began to make a highway over chaos to form future passage to earth easier. Satan meets them on his return voyage to hell, and marvels at the good structure.
Upon his arrival in Pandemonium, Satan boasts of his success to the assembly. rather than applauding him, they'll only hiss, for they and he have all been changed into snakes, their punishment from above. God instructs his angels what changed conditions must prevail within the world, now in fallen state, while on earth, Adam bemoans his miserable condition and therefore the fate of the humankind. He harshly rejects Eve's try to console him, but she persists and wins his forgiveness. She proposes they kill, but Adam reminds her of God's promise that her seed should wreak vengeance upon the serpent. Moreover, they have to seek to create peace with their offended Lord.


God sends Michael and his band to expel the sinning pair from Paradise, but first to give away to Adam future events, resulting from his sin. The angel descends to Eden with the news of their expulsion, causing Eve to withdraw in tears. Michael leads Adam up a high hill, where he sets before him in visions what shall happen till the good Flood.


Michael continues in prophecy from the flood by degrees to clarify who the Seed of woman shall be, the Savior which was promised, who shall redeem mankind. Adam is recomforted by these last revelations and resolves faithful obedience. He descends hill with Michael and rejoins Eve, who is wakened from gentle sleep, reconfirmed in allegence to her husband. A flaming sword is placed to bar the gates behind them, as Adam and Eve are sent removed from Paradise

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