With Line References
BOOK I - Satan and the fallen angels in Hell
1.    Introduction to the poem, and first invocation [1-]
2.    Satan and his lieutenant awaken in the lake of fire [50-282]
                               i.            Satan's speech, refusing to accept defeat [84-]
                            ii.            Beelzebub's speech, fearing eternal slavery in Hell [128-]
                         iii.            Satan's speech, vowing to resist [156-]
                          iv.            They rise off the lake and light on solid ground [192-]
                             v.            Satan's speech, accepting Hell as his new capital [242-]
                          vi.            Beelzebub urges Satan to speak to the fallen angels [271-]
3.    Satan rallies his troops [283-669]
                               i.            Satan calls them out of the lake where they lay [283-]
                            ii.            The multitudes fly out of the lake [331-]
                         iii.            The high ranking angels come forth one by one [376-521]
⧪Moloch [381-]   ⧪Chemos [406-]  ⧪Baalim and Ashtaroth [421-]      ⧪Astoreth [437-]                 ⧪Thammuz [446-]   ⧪Dagon [457-]     ⧪Rimmon [467-] ⧪The Egyptian gods [476-]     ⧪Belial [490-]       ⧪The Olympian gods [507-]
                          iv.            They assemble before Satan [522-]
                             v.            Satan's speech [622-]
4.    The devils build their palace, Pandemonium [670-]
5.    They assemble within to hold council [752-797]
BOOK II - The Council; Satan's odyssey to Earth
1.    High council is held in Pandemonium [1-520]
                               i.            Satan's opening speech [11-]
                            ii.            Moloch proposes a return to war [43-]
                         iii.            Belial proposes inaction [106-]
                          iv.            Mammon seconds Belial's argument [226-]
                             v.            Beelzebub proposes an exploration of Earth [299-]
                          vi.            Satan volunteers to undertake the mission alone [430-]
                       vii.            The council dissolves and the resolution is announced without [486-]
2.    The devils disband and occupy themselves during Satan's leave [521-628]
                               i.            Part engage in sport, song, and philosophy [528-]
                            ii.            Part explore the interior of Hell [570-]
3.    Satan's passage out of Hell [629-1055]
                               i.            Satan meets Sin and Death at the gate of Hell [643-889]
⧪Death challenges Satan [675-]        ⧪Sin describes their origin [746-]    ⧪Sin opens the gate of Hell [850-]
                            ii.            Satan's journey across Chaos [890-1055]
⧪The wildness of Chaos appears before the open gate [890-]          ⧪Satan sails out into the mixed elements [927-]              ⧪He holds discourse with Chaos [951-]          ⧪He approaches the heavenly region [1034-1055]
BOOK III - God's prophecies; Satan reaches Earth
1.    Second invocation [1-]
2.    God views and reacts to Satan's passage [56-417]
                               i.            God, the Father, prophesizes man's fall [80-]
                            ii.            The Son responds, on man's behalf [144-]
                         iii.            The Father proclaims how man may be saved [167-]
                          iv.            The Son offers to sacrifice himself for man's salvation [217-]
                             v.            The Father accepts same and bestows glory on his Son [274-]
                          vi.            The angels sing songs of praise [344-]
3.    Satan arrives at the new world [418-742]
                               i.            He explores the outer shell of the universe [430-559]
⧪The future Limbo of Fools [440-]  ⧪The stairway to Heaven [498-]
                            ii.            He enters the universe [560-742]
⧪He lands on the Sun [571-]  ⧪In disguise, he accosts the angel Uriel [636-] ⧪Fooled by him, and Uriel directs him to Adam's home [689-742]
BOOK IV - Satan in Eden
1.    Satan enters Eden [1-287]
                               i.            His passionate speech to the Sun [32-]
                            ii.            He approaches Paradise [114-]
                         iii.            He enters the Garden [172-287]
⧪He hides in the Tree of Life [172-]                 ⧪The Garden of Eden described [205-]
2.    Satan discovers Adam and Eve [288-539]
                               i.            Satan sees the human couple [288-]
                            ii.            He expresses jealousy of them [358-]
                         iii.            Taking the forms of various animals, Satan eavesdrops on them [408-]
                          iv.            He plots their ruin [502-]
3.    Uriel warns Gabriel of Satan's presence [540-]
4.    Satan is banished from Paradise [598-1015]
                               i.            Adam and Eve retire [598-775]
 ⧪Their discourse on the night sky [610-]            ⧪They go to the bower and say evening prayers [689-] ⧪They lay together in conjugal love [736-]
                            ii.            Satan is discovered [776-1015]
⧪Gabriel sends his angels to patrol the Garden [776-]            ⧪Satan is found near the human couple and is apprehended [797-]    ⧪Gabriel banishes him from Paradise [864-1015]
BOOK V - Raphael descends to warn the human couple of Satan
1.    Eve's dream [1-208]
                               i.            Adam and Eve awake in the morning [1-]
                            ii.            Eve relates her nightmare [26-]
                         iii.            Adam comforts her [95-]
                          iv.            They say morning prayers [136-]
2.    Raphael visits Eden [209-560]
                               i.            God gives Raphael his assignment [219-]
                            ii.            Raphael descends to Earth [246-]
                         iii.            He meets the human couple [298-432]
⧪Adam, seeing his approach, has Eve prepare dinner [298-]                       ⧪Adam greets Raphael [350-]    ⧪Raphael meets Eve [377-]
                          iv.            At table [433-560]
⧪They dine [433-]          ⧪Adam induces conversation on food and angels [451-]            ⧪The conversation turns to Raphael's purpose [506-]
3.    Raphael relates the war in Heaven [561-907]
                               i.            The celebration in Heaven [577-]
                            ii.            The jealousy of Satan (then called Lucifer) [657-]
                         iii.            God sees the rebellion rising [711-]
                          iv.            Satan's followers gather at his quarters [743-]
                             v.            Abdiel opposes Satan's rebellion [803-907]
BOOK VI - Raphael continues to relate the war in Heaven
1.    The armies meet on the plain [1-188]
                               i.            Abdiel returns to the faithful angels [1-]
                            ii.            The opposing forces meet front to front [78-]
                         iii.            Abdiel confronts Satan [107-]
2.    The first battle [189-405]
                               i.            The battle is joined [189-]
                            ii.            Michael duels Satan [245-]
                         iii.            Other fights are described, as the faithful prevail [354-]
3.    The rebels retreat under nightfall [406-523]
                               i.            In council, Satan urges more violent battle [418-]
                            ii.            Nisroch laments pain, never known before [446-]
                         iii.            Satan conceives the use of gunpowder [469-]
4.    The second battle [524-668]
                               i.            Next morning, the faithful see their foe approach [524-]
                            ii.            Satan's crew attacks with cannons [555-]
                         iii.            The armies toss mountains at each other [634-]
5.    Messiah ends the war [669-892]
                               i.            The Father sends forth his Son to end the battle [669-]
                            ii.            Messiah casts the rebel army into Hell [746-892]
⧪He rides forth in his chariot [746-]                       ⧪The faithful angels watch as he crushes the enemy [824-]        ⧪He returns to the Father triumphant [878-]
6.    Raphael's closing remarks [893-912]
BOOK VII - Creation of the world
1.    Third invocation [1-40]
2.    Adam asks Raphael to describe how the world began [59-]
3.    Raphael relates the days of the Creation [110-640]
                               i.            The Son returns after victory in battle [131-]
                            ii.            He is sent forth by the Father to carry out the acts of Creation [192-]
                         iii.            The first day: God creates light [243-]
                          iv.            The second day: God creates the firmament [261-]
                             v.            The third day: God creates the green landscape [276-]
                          vi.            The fourth day: God creates the sun, moon, and stars [339-]
                       vii.            The fifth day: God creates the birds and sea creatures [387-]
                    viii.            The sixth day: God creates the animals and man [449-]
                          ix.            The seventh day: God returns to heaven [551-]
                             x.            The song of the angels [602-632]
BOOK VIII - The creation of Adam and Eve
1.    The discourse of Adam and Raphael on the heavenly bodies [1-178]
                               i.            Adam asks Raphael about the proportions of the heavens [1-]
                            ii.            Eve retires from their presence [39-]
                         iii.            Raphael responds that these matters are not for Adam to know [66-]
2.    Adam seeks to extend their visit, and Raphael agrees [179-248]
                               i.            Adam offers to tell Raphael about his origin [179-]
                            ii.            Raphael explains his absence during the world's creation [217-]
3.    Adam relates to Raphael his memory of his and Eve's creation [249-520]
                               i.            Adam awakes and explores the world [253-]
                            ii.            Adam speaks with God [295-451]
                         iii.            God creates Eve from Adam's rib [452-]
⧪God appears and brings Adam to the Garden of Eden [295-]        ⧪God pronounces his edict on the forbidden fruit [316-]       ⧪God instructs Adam to name all the animals [336-]     ⧪Adam and God enter into discourse on man's solitude [357-]      ⧪God informs Adam that he shall receive a mate [437-]
                          iv.            The marriage of Adam and Eve [484-]
4.    Adam and Raphael discourse on love and passion [521-]
5.    Raphael's final warning and departure [630-653]
BOOK IX - The Fall
1.    Fourth invocation [1-]
2.    Satan returns to Eden and possesses the serpent [48-191]
                               i.            Satan gains secret entrance to the Garden [48-]
                            ii.            He expresses his thirst for revenge [98-]
                         iii.            He finds and enters the sleeping serpent [179-]
3.    Adam and Eve divide their work in the Garden [192-403]
                               i.            Eve's proposal that they work in different areas [205-341]
⧪God appears and brings Adam to the Garden of Eden [295-]        ⧪God pronounces his edict on the forbidden fruit [316-]       ⧪God instructs Adam to name all the animals [336-]     ⧪Adam and God enter into discourse on man's solitude [357-]      ⧪God informs Adam that he shall receive a mate [437-]
                            ii.            Adam reluctantly submits to her wish [342-]
                         iii.            Eve responds happily and they separate [376-]
v Some Lectures by SIR JAWAD ASIF (only book I and book IX)
v Various Education Websites for Online Search as Wikipedia.com

4. The temptation of Eve [404-732]

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