2. what's PHONOLOGY? • Phonology is that the study of how sounds are organized and utilized in natural languages. • Phonology is simply one in all several aspects of language. • it's associated with other aspects like phonetics, morphology, syntax, and pragmatics.
3. The phonologicalsystem of a language includes • a list of sounds and their features, and • rules which specify how sounds interact with one another.
4. 4. Phoneticsvs. Phonology PHONETICS • is that the basis for phonological analysis. • Analyzes the assembly of all human speech sounds, irrespective of language. PHONOLOGY • is that the basis for further add morphology, syntax, discourse, and orthography design. • Analyzes the sound patterns of a selected language by determining which phonetic sounds are significant, and explaining how these sounds are interpreted by the verbalizer.
5. Whyare Phonetics important?
6. what's aphoneme? • A phoneme is that the smallest contrastive unit within the electronic equipment of a language.
7. Phonologistshave differingviews of the phoneme. Followingare the 2 major views consideredhere: • within the American structuralist tradition, a phoneme is defined in keeping with its allophones and environments. • within the generative tradition, a phoneme is defined as a group of distinctive features.
8. Differencebetween phoneand phoneme PHONE • one in all many possible sounds within the languages of the globe. • the tiniest identifiable unit found in an exceedingly stream of speech. • Pronounced during a defined way. • Represented between brackets by convention. – Example: • [b], [j], [o] PHONEME • one among many possible sounds within the languages of the planet. • A minimal unit that serves to differentiate between meanings of words. • Pronounced in one or more ways, betting on the amount of allophones. • Represented between slashes by convention. – Example: • /b/, /j/, /o/
9. MODELS OF PHONOLOGY • In classical phonemics, phonemes and their possible combinations are central. • In standard generative phonology, distinctive features are central. A stream of speech is portrayed as linear sequence of discrete sound-segments. Each segment consists of simultaneously occurring features. • In non-linear models of phonology, a stream of speech is represented as multidimensional, not simply as a linear sequence of sound segments. These non-linear models grew out of generative phonology: • autosegmental phonology • metrical phonology • lexical phonology
10. GenerativePhonology • Generative phonology may be a component of generative grammar that assigns the proper phonetic representations to utterances in such the way on reflect a native speaker’s internalized grammar.
11. Levels of phonologicalrepresentation • An underlying representation is that the most elementary type of a word before any phonological rules are applied thereto. Underlying representations show what a speaker knows about the abstract underlying phonology of the language. • A phonetic representation is that the style of a word that's spoken and heard.
12. Distinctivefeatures • Distinctive features make it possible to capture the generalities of phonological rules.
13. Linearity • A stream of speech is portrayed as a sequence of discrete sound segments. Each segment consists of simultaneously occurring features.
14. what's autosegmental phonology? • Autosegmental phonology could be a non-linear approach to phonology that permits phonological processes, like tone and vowel harmony, to be independent of and extend beyond individual consonants and vowels. • Autosegmental phonology treats phonological representations as multi-dimensional, having several tiers. Each tier is formed of a linear arrangement of segments. The tiers are linked to every other by association lines that indicate how the segments on each tier are to be pronounced at the identical time.
15. what's metricalphonology? • Metrical phonology may be a phonological theory concerned with organizing segments into groups of relative prominence. Segments are organized into syllables, syllables into metrical feet, feet into phonological words, and words into larger units. • This organization is represented formally by metrical trees and grids.
16. What islexicalphonology? • Lexical phonology is an approach to phonology that accounts for the interactions of morphology and phonology within the word building process. • The lexicon plays a central, productive role within the theory. It consists of ordered levels, which are the domain sure as shooting phonological or morphological processes.
17. The followingare crucial componentsof lexical phonology: Lexical rules … • Apply only within words. • Are susceptible to exceptions. • Require morphological information. • Must be structure- preserving. • won't be blocked by pauses. • Apply first. Post-lexical rules … • Apply within words or across word boundaries. • don't have exceptions. • Require syntactic information, or no grammatical information the least bit. • don't seem to be necessarily structure- preserving. • are often blocked by pauses. • Apply later.
18. Halle andMohananproposethe followingfour levels of morphologyin the lexicon: • Level 1: Class 1 derivation, irregular inflection • Level 2: Class 2 derivation • Level 3: Compounding • Level 4: Regular inflection
19. LEVELS OF AFFIXATION LEVEL 1 • Affixes include: – -ate, -ion, -ity, -ic, sub-, de-, in- • Affixation causes stress shift: – photograph/photographic • Trisyllabic shortening occurs: – divine/divinity LEVEL 2 • Affixes include: – -ly, -ful, -some, -ness, re-, un-, non- • Affixation doesn't affect stress: – revenge/revengeful • No trisyllabic shortening occurs: – leader/leaderless
20. LEVELS OF AFFIXATION LEVEL 1 • Nasal assimilation occurs: – in + legal -> illegal • Affixes may attach to stems: – re-mit, de-duce • Affixation is a smaller amount productive and more exception ridden. LEVEL 2 • Nasal assimilation is blocked: – un + ladylike -> unladylike, not *ulladylike • Affixes attach only to words: – re-open, de-regulate • Affixation is more productive and fewer exception ridden

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