Submitted By: Mansib Ali NEKOKARA

English Part 2 Most Important Questions of MA & Guess Paper 2021 are available on this site so all those students who wants to appear in the exams then they must be study these guess papers to learn the subject and get good marks in the exams because all important question are present in these guess papers so you must take these papers for the preparation of the MA subjects. English Part 2 Most Important Questions of MA & Guess Paper 2021 can be seen on the different sites but guess papers on this site are very useful because these are set very excellent way so if you want to get good marks in the exams then you must take these papers after visiting the site. Just visit this site and get them.

Paper 1 - POETRY

Section A
                  i.            Coleridge as a poet of supernatural
              ii.            Coleridge as a romantic poet
           iii.            Coleridge as a poet of nature & beauty
            iv.            The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
                v.            Coleridge's Poems Summary and Complete Analysis of "Kubla Khan" (1798) / an introduction to 'Kubla Khan: or A Vision in a Dream'
            vi.            Dejection an Ode
     A.  Questions on Keats’ Odes
                  i.            Keats as an escapist / escapism
              ii.            Keats as a Romantic Poet (poet of beauty, of nature)
           iii.            Negative capability of Keats
            iv.            Ode to Nightingale (development of thought, unity in Keats’ odes)
                v.            Summary and complete critical analysis of Ode on a Grecian Urn
            vi.            Compare & Contrast any two poems or Comparison of Ode to a Nightingale and Ode on a Grecian Urn
      B.  Questions on “Hyperion”
                  i.            Hyperion: A Fragment
              ii.            Hyperion: Critique and Analysis/ Major Themes/ Human Sufferings in Hyperion/ “the agonies, the strife of human hearts.” in Hyperion
           iii.            Symbolism in “Hyperion”
            iv.            “Hyperion” as an Epic poem or Hyperion”, An Epic of Beauty’s Triumph
                  i.            Use of symbolism / Symbolism in Blake's Poetry
              ii.            Auguries of innocence / William Blake: From - Auguries of Innocence Context
           iii.            Comparison & Contrast of the poems of “The Song of Innocence” & “The Song of Experience”
            iv.            Transition Innocence to Experience?
                v.            Comparison & Contrast of the poems of “Holy Thursday I” & “Holy Thursday II”
            vi.            London
         vii.            The Sick Rose
Section B
                  i.            Larkin as a poet of realism
              ii.            Larkin’s attitude towards modernism
           iii.            Themes of Larkin’s poetry
            iv.            Church Going
                v.            Mr. Bleaney
            vi.            Ambulance
                  i.            Themes Of the Below Poems
              ii.            A Constable Cells
           iii.            The Toomed Road
            iv.            The Tollund Man
                v.            Personal Helicon
            vi.            Casting and Gathering
         vii.            Compare & Contrast any two poems
                  i.            Animal imagery in his poems
              ii.            Complete Critical appreciation of That Morning
           iii.            The Thought Fox
            iv.            Full Moon and Little Frieda
                v.            Chaucer  

Paper 2 – DRAMA

1.    HENRIK IBSEN – “Hedda Gabler”
                  i.            “Hedda Gabler” as a tragic play / as a tragedy
              ii.            Psychological problems of Hedda Gabler / Character sketch of “Hedda Gabler”
           iii.            Character of Loevborg
            iv.            Hedda’s suicide
2.  BECKETT – “Waiting for Godot”
                  i.            Beckett as a dramatist
              ii.            “Waiting for Godot” a play about absurd
           iii.            Human relationships in the play
            iv.            “Waiting for Godot” as an existentialist play / Existentialism in W-F-G
                v.            Different themes in the play
            vi.            “Waiting for Godot” as a tragi-comedy
         vii.            Structure of the play
3.  ANTON CHEKOV – “The Cherry Orchard”
                  i.            Symbolism in “The Cherry Orchard”
              ii.            “The Cherry Orchard” as a tragic comedy play
           iii.            Characters of Lyubov, Lopakhin and Trophimov
            iv.            “The Cherry Orchard” as a social or political play
4.  EDWARD BOND – “The Sea”
                  i.            Edward Bond as a dramatist
              ii.            Title of the play
           iii.            Symbolism in “The Sea”
            iv.            Theme of individual and society
                v.            Character sketches of main characters (Mrs. Rafi, Mr. Hatch)
            vi.            “The Sea” as a tragic-comedy / as a social Comedy / black humour

Paper 3 – NOVEL

1.    JOSEPH CONRAD – “Heart of Darkness”
                  i.            Symbolism in “Heart of Darkness”
              ii.            Character sketch of Mr. Kurtz
           iii.            Character sketch of Marlow
            iv.            Marlow as detective of Human soul
                v.            Conrad’s style and technique
            vi.            Themes
         vii.            “Heart of Darkness” as a political allegory / Criticism of Imperialism
     viii.            Comparison between “Heart of Darkness” and “Things Fall Apart”
2.  ACHEBE – “Things Fall Apart”
                  i.            Significance of the Title / Impact of British arrival on Igbo Culture
              ii.            Okonkwo as tragic hero
           iii.            “Things Fall Apart” as a tragic play
            iv.            “Things Fall Apart” as a Post-colonial novel / Criticism of Imperialism
                v.            Achebe’s treatment of women / female characters
            vi.            Comparison between “Heart of Darkness” and “Things Fall Apart”
         vii.            Themes
3.  AHMAD ALI – “Twilight in Delhi”
                  i.            Significance of the title “Twilight in Delhi”
              ii.            Impact of British imperialism on Muslim Culture of Delhi / Fall of Muslim culture in India
           iii.            Themes
            iv.            Ahmad Ali as a novelist
                v.            Symbolism
4.  JAMES JOYCE – “Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man”
                  i.            James Joyce’s style & technique (stream of consciousness, myth, irony, pun, poetic diction etc.)
              ii.            Character sketch of Stephen Daedalus
           iii.            James Joyce’s aesthetic theory of art
5.  VIRGINIA WOOLF – “To the Light House”
                  i.            How has Virginia Woolf used stream of consciousness technique? Or Technique of Virginia Woolf
              ii.            Symbolism in “To the Light House”
           iii.            Compare & contrast the characters of Mr. & Mrs. Ramsay
            iv.            Virginia Woolf as a novelist
                v.            Character study of Lime Brisko & symbolic importance of her paintings
            vi.            Structure of “To the Light House”


1.    ARISTOTLE – “The Poetics”
                  i.            Aristotle’s theory of imitation / Aristotle’s Concept of Imitation
              ii.            Catharsis
           iii.            Tragedy
            iv.            Plot-Character relationship
                v.            Ideal Tragic hero
            vi.            Importance of the Plot of Tragedy
2.  PHILIP SIDNEY – “An Apology for Poetry”
                  i.            The objections or charges against poetry / Sydney’s Defense of Poetry
              ii.            Sidney’s theory of poetry / his views on poetry and drama
           iii.            Contribution of Sidney as a critic / Criticism
            iv.            Superiority of poetry over philosophy and history
3.  T.S. ELIOT– “The Critic (Tradition and Individual Talent)”
                  i.            Eliot’s concept of tradition / Tradition and Individual Talent
              ii.            Theory of impersonality in poetry
           iii.            T.S. Eliot as a critic
            iv.            Eliot’s views on metaphysical poets
4.  RAYMOND WILLIAMS – “Modern Tragedy”
                  i.            Tragedy & Tradition
              ii.            Tragedy and contemporary ideas
           iii.            Rejection of tragedy
            iv.            Tragic views of various critics as Hegel and Nietzsche
                v.            Raymond William as a critic

Paper 5 (Optional) - LINGUISTICS

1.    Language
                  i.            Language and its Characteristics
              ii.            Human Language and Animal Communication
           iii.            Language and Speech
            iv.            Language and Culture
                v.            Causes of Language Change
            vi.            Descriptive and Prescriptive Approach to the Investigation of Language
         vii.            One question is about notes for example “Write notes on TWO of the following:”
a. Language Acquisition / b. Pidgin and Creole Languages / c. Language and Culture / d. Multilingualism
2.  Linguistics
                  i.            Linguistics and its Levels
              ii.            Branches of Linguistics and Their Scope
           iii.            Features of Linguistics
            iv.            Growth and Development of Historical Linguistics
                v.            Sociolinguistics and its Significance
            vi.            Significance of Psycholinguistics
         vii.            Contribution of Ferdinand de Saussure
     viii.            One question is about notes for example “Write notes on TWO of the following:”
a. Comparative Linguistics / b. Historical Linguistics
3.  Phonetics and Morphology
                  i.            Phonetics and its Main Branches
              ii.            Places and Manners of Articulation (Consonant and Vowel)
           iii.            Complete Consonant’s assignment with examples
            iv.            Complete Vowel’s assignment with examples
                v.            Transcription of some words or phrases with Examples
            vi.            Complete assignment on Morphology / Morphological analysis
         vii.            One question is about notes for example “Write notes on TWO of the following:”
a. Auditory and Articulatory Phonetics / b. Places of Articulation with examples / c.  Manners of Articulation with examples / d. RP Consonants / e. Plosives and Fricatives  / f. Semi Vowels / g. Short Vowels / h. Long Vowels / i. Voicing / j. Primary stress(less important)  / k. Morphology (most important) / l. Inflectional and Derivational Morphology.
4.  Syntax and Grammar
                  i.            I.C. Analysis and its Major Flaws
              ii.            Phrase Structure Grammar
           iii.            Tree Diagram Giving P-Markers with Examples
            iv.            Complete assignment on Structuralism
                v.            Complete assignment on Bilingualism (most important)
            vi.            Grammatical Units
         vii.            One question is about notes for example “Write notes on TWO of the following:”
a. Syntax / b. Why study Grammar? / c.  Phrase Structure Grammar / d. TG Grammar / e. Generative Grammar / f. Generativism / g. Structuralism / h. Functionalism / i. Bilingualism
5.  Semantics And Stylistics
                  i.            Semantics and Some Types of Meaning
              ii.            Lexical Semantics (sense relation)
           iii.            Structural Semantics(less important)
            iv.            Major Semantic Theories
                v.            Semantic Field Theory
            vi.            Componential Analysis
         vii.            Stylistics and its Significance
     viii.            Complete assignment on Stylistics (most important)
            ix.            One question is about notes for example “Write notes on TWO of the following:”
      a.    Semantics / b. Polysemy and Synonymy / c.  Stylistics

Important Note for this Assignment and Later Assignment
This assignment is according to UPTO DATE QUESTIONS (past papers of PU Lahore from 2004 to onward). If you have any confusion during to understand this assignment, you can ask from me. In the coming assignment, I have submitted important references to the context which have also been taken from past papers of PU Lahore.


  1. Plz punjab university m.a english part one k b important questions post kr dy

    1. If you want to give me credit of my efforts ,please share this post with your friends and family members.

  2. Sir, kindly post GC Faisalabad past papers of part 2. It would be a great help if you mail me.

  3. ma englsh prt one k imprtnt qustns upload kr de

  4. well done dear i was just needed these thing you have provided a bundle of thanks

  5. Online m.a English krvaty Hain??

  6. Sir please upload the poems paragraph in PETAL form like:
    the road not taken
    on being brought from africa to america
    as i pondered in silence
    the return
    i felt a funeral in my brain

  7. plz upload past papers M.A English of quaid-e-azam university


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