1.     Application to the Principal of your college for leave/ one month’s leave
The Principal,
Govt. College,
A.B.C. (City).

With due respect, it is stated that I have been ill with fever for the last two days. I went to Dr Asim for a medical checkup. Dr Asim is an MBBS. He found that I had typhoid fever. He advised me to have complete bed rest for one month. Therefore, I am unable to come to college for one month. The medical report/ certificate of doctor is attached. Kindly grant me leave for one month. I assure you that I shall do first-rate work when I come to college after recovery. I hope you will consider my application with sympathy and kindness. I shall be highly grateful to you for this act of kindness.
Thanking you in advance.       
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 22, 2018.

2.      Application to the Principal of your college for the issuance of character certificate.
The Principal,
Govt. College,
A.B.C. (City).
Most respectfully, it is stated that I am a bona fide student of your college for the last two years. I passed the F.A. examination from your college with distinction. Now I want to apply for admission at G.C. University. Kindly issue me character certificate. It is compulsory for admission.
I have been a diligent student. I attained the first position in college. I was also captain of the cricket team. Our college team won many matches in inter-district tournaments. I also won first prize in debates on the topic of ‘Islam and Pakistan’.
Kindly mention all these things in my character certificate. I hope you will consider my application with sympathy and kindness. I shall be highly grateful to you for this act of kindness.
Thanking you in advance.       
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 22, 2018.

3.     Application to the Principal of your college for the remission of special fine. 
The Principal,
Govt. College,
A.B.C. (City).
With due respect, it is stated that my teacher has fined me Rs.100 for being absent from the class for one week.  It is true that I have been absent. I was ill with fever. My medical report/certificate is attached. Ten days ago I went to my village. My village is fifty miles from the college. I fell ill. There was nobody to take my application to college. I sent it via Pakistan Post. It did not reach you in time.  I am still weak and feeble. However, I attended the class today. I belong to a poor family. We are eight brothers and sisters. My father is a daily-wager. I cannot pay fine. Kindly remit my fine. I assure you that I shall do first-rate work. I hope you will consider my application with sympathy and kindness. I shall be highly grateful to you for this act of kindness.
Thanking you in advance.       
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 22,2018.
4.    Application to the Principal of your college for full fee concession.
The Principal,
Govt. College,
A.B.C. (City).
With due respect, it is stated that I belong to a poor family. We are eight brothers and sisters. My father is a daily-wager. His income is very small. He cannot pay the fees of all of us. I passed matriculation examination securing 90 % marks. I have been a diligent student at the school. I attained the first position in the school. I was also captain of the cricket team. Our school team won many matches in inter-district tournaments. I also won first prize in debates on the topic of ‘Islam and Pakistan’.
 I assure you that I will show you an excellent result in intermediate as well.  I must pay admission fee by tomorrow. I could not arrange it despite my earnest efforts.
Kindly grant me full fee concession so that I may get admission in your college and continue my education. I hope you will consider my application with sympathy and kindness. I shall be highly grateful to you for this act of kindness.
Thanking you in advance.       
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 22,2018.
5.    Application to the Principal of your college for financial help /scholarship from the special fund. 
The Principal,
Govt. College,
A.B.C. (City).
With due respect, it is stated that I belong to a poor family. We are eight brothers and sisters. I am the eldest son. My father is a labourer. His income is very low. He cannot pay the expenses of our education. I passed matriculation with 90% marks. I am a very hardworking student. I promise you that I will work hard and show you an excellent result in intermediate examination. I request you to grant me scholarship/ financial help so that I may continue my studies. Surely, you will oblige me a lot if you grant me a scholarship. I hope you will consider my application with sympathy and kindness. I shall be highly grateful to you for this act of kindness.
Thanking you in advance.       
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 22, 2018.

6.    Application to the Principal of your college for a change of subject. 
The Principal,
Govt. College,
A.B.C. (City).
With due respect, it is stated that I am a student of your college. The college offered seven optional subjects at the time of admission. I wanted to study Civics. Unfortunately, there was no teacher of Civics at that time. Therefore, I opted for Urdu as an optional subject. Recently, a teacher of Civics has joined our college staff. I want to study Civics instead of Urdu. I like Civics. Kindly allow me to change my subject. I hope you will consider my application with sympathy and kindness. I shall be highly grateful to you for this act of kindness.
Thanking you in advance.       
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 22, 2018.

7.    Application to the Principal of your college for re-admission. 
The Principal,
Govt. College,
A.B.C. (City).
With due respect, it is stated that I went to my village to see my parents a fortnight ago. Unfortunately, my mother fell seriously ill. She was admitted to the hospital. I had to stay there to look after her. I sent an application; but unfortunately, it could not be delivered in time. Only the post office is responsible for this negligence. My teacher has struck me off from college roll. I want to continue my studies. I am a hardworking student. Kindly grant me readmission in your college. I assure you that I will be careful in future.
I hope you will consider my application with sympathy and kindness. I shall be highly grateful to you for this act of kindness.
Thanking you in advance.       
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 22, 2018.

8.    Application to the Principal of your college apologizing for misbehaviour in the class. 
The Principal,
Govt. College,
A.B.C. (City).
With due respect, it is stated that I was taking the class of English. It was almost 1:00 PM. I was sitting under the fan. I do not know when I fell asleep. The class teacher awakened me and scolded me for sleeping. I explained that it happened by chance. He did not listen to me and ordered me to leave the class immediately. I behaved rudely with the teacher and showed disrespect.
It is my mistake. I should have apologized to my teacher. I assure you that I will not sleep in the class in future. I will give a lot of respect to my teachers. I have already said sorry to my English teacher.
I hope you will consider my application with sympathy and kindness. I shall be highly grateful to you for this act of kindness.
Thanking you in advance.       
Yours obediently,
Dated: May 22, 2018

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